Functions and Classes


In old versions of JavaScript, classes were just functions using the this keyword as context:

function MyCustomObjectClass(color, name) {
  this.color = color; = name;

var custom = new MyCustomObjectClass('blue', 'Tim');

custom.color; // => 'blue'; // => 'Tim'

If you wanted to add methods to this "class" - you'd add your methods to the prototype chain.

MyCustomObjectClass.prototype.introduceSelf = function() {
  console.log('Hello, my name is ' + + ' and I have a color of ' + this.color);

In modern JavaScript, we now have class objects:

class MyCustomObjectClass {
  constructor(color, name) {
    this.color = color; = name;

const custom = new MyCustomObjectClass('blue', 'Tim');

And we can add methods to it like this:

class MyCustomObjectClass {
  constructor(color, name) {
    this.color = color; = name;

  introduceSelf() {
    console.log('Hello, my name is ' + + ' and I have a color of ' + this.color);

const custom = new MyCustomObjectClass('blue', 'Tim');

We can even extend our classes like we would in Java or C++.

class ExtraCoolClass extends MyCustomObjectClass {
  constructor(color, name, isCool) {
    super(color, name);
    this.isCool = isCool || true;

  isCool() {
    return true;

const custom = ExtraCoolClass('blue', 'Tim', true);

custom.introduceSelf(); // => 'Hello, my name is Tim and I have a color of blue'

NOTE : The new class syntax is just sugar over the prototype chain inheritance.

That means this fancy ES2015+ code:

class Animal {
  constructor(name, species) { = name;
    this.species = species;

  sayName() {

const Doggie = new Animal('Jeff', 'Dog');

Does the exact same thing as this ES5 code:

function Animal(name, species) { = name;
  this.species = species;

Animal.prototype.sayName = function() {

var Doggie = new Animal('Jeff', 'Dog');

There's nothing magical or new here, it's just different syntax for doing the exact same thing.

Static Properties and Methods

Especially prevalent in modern JavaScript frameworks are static methods and properties. These are used to define properties and methods on the class itself, and not the instance.

In short, you can't use the this keyword inside of a static method.

Here's a quick example to help illustrate what's happening:

class Vehicle {
  constructor(vehicleParts) {
     // ... omitted for brevity

  static factorySignature() {
    return {
      factoryId: '39d9eabc401de3a',
      location: 'Detroit, MI',
      securityHash: 'abe493b665f7467000bcf8c373b323fd',
      parentCorporation: 'JavaScript Vehicles Inc.'
  // other stuff in here...

Let's say I'm a car manufacturer with a factory that's sitting in Detroit, MI, and all my vehicles that come off the assembly line get secured with the securityHash above.

When I create a new vehicle:

const sedan = new Vehicle(vehicleParts);

The static properties can be used internally within Vehicle to ensure whatever new Vehicle() comes out, it's good to go.

However, I won't be able to see the factorySignature on sedan here:

sedan.factorySignature; // => undefined

But I can see the Vehicle static properties with Vehicle.factorySignature

    factoryId: '39d9eabc401de3a',
    location: 'Detroit, MI',
    securityHash: 'abe493b665f7467000bcf8c373b323fd'
    parentCorporation: 'JavaScript Vehicles Inc.'

The factorySignature doesn't exist inside Sedan, it exists inside Vehicle.

It's not just properties and objects you can keep as static values. You can create your own static methods too:

class Coffee {
  constructor(coffeeProps) {
    // build coffee I guess... Omitted for brevity, but kept for self amusement
    this.quality = coffeeProps.quality;

  static isExcellentCoffee(Coffee) {
    return Coffee.quality > 80;

We can now use this static method as a utility to determine if a Coffee instance is good or not.

const MyCoffee = new Coffee(coffeeProps);


Keep in mind that static properties and methods are not hoisted or inherited. You'll need to use Object.assign() to hoist those statics to the newly extended class to do so.

class AmazingCoffee extends ExcellentCoffee {
  constructor(coffeeProps) {

AmazingCoffee.isDelicious // => undefined

Object.assign(AmazingCoffee, Coffee);

AmazingCoffee.isDelicious // -> function() {}

Practical usage of static properties and methods

Believe it or not, you're already using this stuff if you've used things like:

  • Object.keys
  • Object.entries

When you're using Object.keys, you're not running the keys() method on the instance of an Object. You're running on the Object class itself and passing in the Object as an argument.

const Anthony = {
  name: 'Anthony',
  age: 32,
  occupation: 'Dentist'

// You can run Object.keys like this:
Object.keys(Anthony); // => ['name', 'age', 'occupation']

// But this won't work...
{}.keys(Anthony);  // => ERROR: keys is not a function

// This won't work either
Anthony.keys(Anthony); // ERROR: no value called 'keys' on 'Anthony'

That's because Anthony and {} are instances of Object. The static method keys lives on the class Object itself. If we were able to see a little of the ES6 source code of Object, would look a little like this:

class Object {

  static keys(obj) {
    const keys = [];
    for (let key in obj) {
    return keys;

By doing this, we're able to make specifically targeted helper methods on our classes, giving new versatility and flexibility by making utilities specific to our defined classes.

Static typing in action

I'm working on a Node.js backend that's handling invoice data. Since I have to deal with Invoice objects so often, I'm going to create my own Invoice class.

 * class Invoice
 * Represents a single invoice in our backend
 * @param {String} id          - Unique id of the Invoice
 * @param {String} payee       - Person/Company that owes us money
 * @param {Date}   dateCreated - Invoice creation date
 * @param {Date}   dueDate     - Date the amount is due
 * @param {Date}   receivedOn  - Date the amount was received
 * @param {Number} amount      - Amount due on invoice
class Invoice {
  constructor(parameters) {
    const {
    } = parameters; = id;
    this.payee = payee;
    this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
    this.dueDate = dueDate;
    this.receivedOn = receivedOn;
    this.amount = amount;

Our company needs some analytics data to send to our front end developers so they can make some pretty charts and graphs of all this data. Let's create a static method on Invoice to total up the value of all these invoices.

 * Returns the total amount of an Array of Invoice objects
 * @param  {Array<Invoice>} invoices - An Array of Invoices
 * @return {Number}                  - Total value of invoices
static getTotal(invoices) {
  let total = 0;
  invoices.forEach( invoice => {
    total = total + invoice.amount;
  return total;

Now whenever we have a bunch of invoices, we just need to run this code and we'll have our total:


Static properties and methods in modern JavaScript tooling

If you're familiar with React, you've most likely had to deal with declaring and checking propTypes and defaultProps

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    const { className, onClick } = this.props;
    return (
      <div className={className} onClick={onClick}>
        Hello World!

MyComponent.defaultProps = {
  onClick: () => {}

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  className: PropTypes.string,
  onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired

propTypes is better used as a static property, and it's supported in the latest babel syntax too.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class MyComponent extends Component {

  static defaultProps = {
    onClick: () => {}

  static propTypes = {
    className: PropTypes.string,
    onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired

  render() {
    const { className, onClick } = this.props;
    return (
      <div className={className} onClick={onClick}>
        Hello World!

As of React v0.16.3, a new lifecycle method was added called getDerivedStateFromProps(). Note that this lifecycle method is static, so it doesn't have access to this. It lives in the class, not the instance.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  static defaultProps = {
    onClick: () => {}

  static propTypes = {
    className: PropTypes.string,
    children: PropTypes.element.isRequired,
    onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired

  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props) {
    if (props.className === 'super-special') {
      return {
        secretClass: 'selectedColor'
    } else {
      return null;

  state = {
    secretClass: ''

  render() {
    const { className, onClick } = this.props;
    const { secretClass } = this.state;
    return (
      <div className={className} onClick={onClick}>
        <div className={secretClass}>

If the className prop from the parent of MyComponent is super-special - it would render the first inner div of MyComponent with selectedColor.

Under the hood, React is using the static getDerivedStateFromProps lifecycle method on the MyComponent class to derive a state. Like the previous example, it doesn't live in the instance of the class, but the class itself.

Getters and Setters

To those who are already familiar with Java, C, C++, or any of the sort, getters and setters are welcome additions to classes and objects in JavaScript. Unlike other languages, JavaScript has explicit get and set keywords that allow getters and setters to appear as properties while working as functions.

Let's go back to our Invoice class we made earlier, and add a getter to see if an invoice has been paid or not.

 * class Invoice
 * Represents a single invoice in our backend
 * @param {String} id          - Unique id of the Invoice
 * @param {String} payee       - Person/Company that owes us money
 * @param {Date}   dateCreated - Invoice creation date
 * @param {Date}   dueDate     - Date the amount is due
 * @param {Date}   receivedOn  - Date the amount was received
 * @param {Number} amount      - Amount due on invoice
class Invoice {
  constructor(parameters) {
    const {
    } = parameters; = id;
    this.payee = payee;
    this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
    this.dueDate = dueDate;
    this.receivedOn = receivedOn;
    this.amount = amount;
  // Adding our new getter here
  get isPaid() {


We don't want the isPaid property on our Invoice class, so let's make a method that returns true or false if the invoice has been paid or not.

We can use Invoice.receivedOn to determine this.

  Returns a Boolean whether the invoice has been paid or not
  @return {Boolean} - true if paid, false if not paid
get isPaid() {
  return Boolean(this.receivedOn);

Now if we want to see if an invoice is paid or not, we can just run Invoice.isPaid().

Under the hood, the isPaid method is added to the object/classes's prototype chain, which gives it access to this.

SomeInvoice.isPaid(); // => Boolean

Note that there's no isPaid attribute on an instance of Invoice. isPaid is grabbing and returning true or false depending on the value of this.receivedOn.

Now let's say our client is awesome and paid us for our work (hooray!). Let's create a setter to set the receivedOn date.

  Pays an invoice and sets the date the invoice was paid.
  @param  {Date}    date - The date the invoice was paid on
  @return {Invoice}
set pay(date) {
  this.receivedOn = date;
  return this;

Just for safety, I'm setting the return value to this. It's also demonstrating how setters also have access to this, just like getters.

If we just got paid today, all we have to do now is the following: = new Date();

Now if we run SomeInvoice.isPaid, it will return true, since this.receivedOn is truthy:

SomeInvoice.isPaid // => true - Hooray! We got paid!

Real world Examples of Classes

If you're familiar with React, you've probably seen class syntax when creating stateful React Components:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class CommentBox extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      isLoggedIn: false,
      value: ''

  submit = () => {
    // Submit comment!

  render() {
    const { isLoggedIn, value } = this.state;
    return (
      <div className="comment-box">
        <textarea onChange={this.onTextInput} value={value}/>
        <button disabled={!isLoggedIn} onClick={this.submit}>Post</button>

export default CommentBox;

Here we are creating a brand new React Component that extends the Component base class from the React package.

It just makes sense to use class syntax for React, since we'll intentionally instantiate many instances of the same React Component.